
Discipline: Cultural and Ethnic Studies

Type of Paper: Other

Academic Level: High school

Paper Format: APA

Pages: 5 Words: 1375


For this assignment, you will conduct an interview with a person who was born and raised in a different culture (e.g. colleague from a different culture, neighbor who had a different cultural upbringing, international student, etc.) and write a 5-page paper analysis using the course material (textbooks and/or lectures). You may conduct the interview in person or you may collect your data by phone or Skype interview if necessary.

INTERVIEWEE The interviewee must have spent a majority of their developmental years under the guardianship and influence of parents who were also born and raised in the culture that they are representing during this interview. They must be able to respond to the questions in the first person, as a locally born, active participant in the culture, not as someone who was transplanted into the culture for work or ministry and experienced certain advantages as a foreigner living in the local culture.

Example: A local woman would potentially be impacted by a local practice that allows for the daughters to be given into marriage to a man from a different tribe in order to keep the peace or form alliances between the tribes. A foreigner living in this same culture for work or ministry would not typically be concerned with this local practice because they are a foreigner and would not live under the same cultural expectations as the locals. You may interview the local woman, but you may not interview the foreigner whose family was transplanted into this culture but was not subject to the same cultural expectations in all areas of life.

CONTENT The following elements should be included in the paper. Be sure to ask questions during the interview that help you discuss these concepts in the paper.

Describe the societal, marital, and familial relationships, communication practices, and any other significant and distinct cultural elements from your interviewee’s culture.
Explain the interviewee’s underlying rationale (this is the collection of values and beliefs that are the source of your interviewee’s practices).
Show how this rationale (value, beliefs, and practices) might lead to conflict when engaging people from other cultures and how one might resolve these conflicts.
Analysis using the course material (textbooks and/or lectures) and cultural anthropology vocabulary is required throughout the paper.


The paper must be written as an academic paper and not as a transcript of the interview. If you take notes during the interview, please do not submit those notes as your final paper.
Turabian formatting is required.
Citations from the course material (textbook or lectures) are required throughout the paper.
A title page and bibliography are required in addition to the 5 pages of content.
An Appendix containing a list of the interview questions is required in addition to the 5 pages of content.

If have access, books are Introducing Cultural Anthropology(Howell and Paris) and Cross Cultural Servanthood(Elmer).