Final paper requirements

Discipline: International Relations

Type of Paper: Essay (any type)

Academic Level: High school

Paper Format: APA

Pages: 6 Words: 1650


Final paper requirements
1. Identify a Broad Theme /Broad Research Topic (subject area) that you find worthy of research
My broad theme is
Covid affects on IR after pandemic world

2. Based on the selected Research Topic (subject area), identify your Research Problem.

3. Write out several Research Questions you expect to answer in your research.

1. Based on the problem statement and the related research question(s), write a full (but tentative) introduction to your research study:
a. Please, write a problem statement (if applicable), questions, and goal of the paper.
b. Follow with your thoughts regarding the problem’s theoretical background.
c. Highlight some of the most significant and relevant research conducted in this problem area.
d. Explain briefly why the problem is significant and how this study will add to the existing body of literature.

4. Your chapters should answer the research questions so finally you will be able to make a general conclusion. In addition your essay should include IR theory in order to study Chinese phenomenon

5. Bibliography.