
Discipline: Social Work and Human Services

Type of Paper: Essay (any type)

Academic Level: High school

Paper Format: APA

Pages: 2 Words: 550


Focus on completing a needs assessment for a Human Services organization. In this activity, you will read two articles that detail two different organizations and the needs assessments they completed to help develop programs for their communities.

Read up to (and including) the Conclusion section in the following articles and answer the following questions:

Compare and contrast the methods used to complete the needs assessments.

What are your thoughts on how each group determined what the needs of their communities were? How might they have done things differently?

What are the results the professionals found from doing their assessments? What types of programs might meet these needs?

Discuss the importance of collaboration among Human Services organizations and how it ultimately benefits the clients.
How will you utilize these examples as a Human Services professional?