Problems in the Hospital Setting that causes burnout among employees
Discipline: Other
Type of Paper: Research paper
Academic Level: High school
Paper Format: APA
Analyze the validity and reliability of one research article you found.
For this assignment, select one peer-reviewed, research article you have found in your research and analyze it, focusing most heavily on the validity and reliability. Using what you have learned about internal and external validity and reliability from this week's materials, provide an in-depth analysis and discuss the suitability of this article as it applies to your literature review. Any resources you paraphrase or cite in your analysis need to be cited (both in-text and in a Reference section).
In a Word document, include:
The APA citation for the article.
A BRIEF (i.e. no more than one paragraph) summary of what the research is about.
A detailed analysis of the validity and reliability of the study.