Pollution in New Jersey
Discipline: Environmental studies and Forestry
Type of Paper: Research paper
Academic Level: High school
Paper Format: APA
-Give the background history; how did this happen
-Current situation - what is or isn’t happening,
-Examine the issue and its ramification from every possible angle, who are the
various actors/participants, what are possible solutions, legislature, specific
immediate ramifications and the longer term ones to the to the local community,
health, air, water, soil, wildlife and the impact on the larger environment . Think
about the relationships, connecting the dots from one aspect to another within our
ecological system.
-Is there a similar situation elsewhere in the world that is comparable and can serve
as an example, cautionary tale or road map to change. You can include interview
excerpts, creative individual innovations, approaches found elsewhere
-Be sure to make sure that what you suggest or write is current –many laws have
been changed, regulations deregulated. Do the work check if that funding still
exists in 2020.
- Will the COVID-19 effect this issue?
- Provide your own advocacy suggestions and solutions. This is required in the
These specifics will vary depending on your topic, there is no exact forma or
formula.. Think of it like a tree – the topic is the main tree trunk and all the history,
issues, possible solutions are the roots and branches.
Minimum: 5 written pages, not including bibliography, pictures, NO COVER PAge
BE SURE To use citations- APL style and to use multiple reliable and varying
references (5 minimum), list in your bibliography page.
Format: standard research paper, use proper citationsn, must include page
numbers on bottom, NO cover sheet, include name on top