Identify and analyze the current talent management system at Lloyds bank UK. Students should analyze
Discipline: Management
Type of Paper: Other
Academic Level: High school
Paper Format: APA
The portfolio should include:
• Part 1: Identifying the firm’s current talent management strategy. To identify the current talent management strategy the following information is required:
o Business Strategy and HR Strategy
o Recruitment
o Selection
o Performance Management
o Reward
o Training and Development
o Equality and Diversity (30%)
• Part 2: Identifying the relevant regulatory factors that impact this organisation and HRM practice in general; for example, equality legislation, gender pay gap reporting. Please ensure you identify how these external regulatory factors have impacted upon the organisation’s HR practices (10%)
• Part 3: Identifying any environmental factors (e.g. Societal views about socially responsible behaviours/practices) that might impact on HRM practices in your chosen organisation. (10%)