Reflective Essay Assignment

Complete all lessons prior to this assignment.

Frederic Henry’s perspective and attitude about war changes drastically in this story by Hemingway. How and why does Henry’s change happen? Write a reflective essay in which you explain Henry’s change in thinking about war and connect this to a personal experience where you underwent a significant change of perspective, how and why this change happened, and how this benefited your life. The essay’s thesis statement and body contents should refer to A Farewell to Arms and clearly state the connection. The conclusion should refer back to A Farewell to Arms too.

Note: Henry’s change in perspective about war has nothing to do with Catherine or romance!

Thesis statement: Your introduction’s thesis statement must include story title and author (A Farewell to Arms by Hemingway), the controlling ideas of Henry’s change and your change, and why this is important. Do not use announcements such as “In this essay…”.

The essay should be 1 typed page in length and include essay structure with an introduction, body and conclusion paragraphs. Proofread and edit carefully for correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Essay Structure

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Rubric Name: Assignment 1 – First Submission
This table lists criteria and criteria group names in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method. You can give feedback on each criterion by tabbing to the add feedback buttons in the table.
Criterion Score
20 points
The introduction contains a solid thesis statement that focuses on the points of analysis, a hook, and a preview of the main points.

15 points
The introduction is sufficient with a thesis statement, a hook, and a preview of the main points, but may need additional development, specificity, and/or avoidance of announcements.

10 points
The introduction is present but may be missing a thesis statement, a hook, a preview of the main points, or is less than a paragraph in length.

5 points
There is a sense of an opening, but elements are missing or underdeveloped.

0 points
The introduction is not included.

Score of Introduction,/ 20Criterion score has been overridden
20 points
Each body paragraph is fully developed with examples and details. Organization is logical and transitioning is smooth.

15 points
Each body paragraph is fully developed with examples and details. Organization is logical, but smooth transitioning is needed.

10 points
There are areas that need further development through details, examples, or explanation.

5 points
Much more explanation is needed and/or body sections are not fully formed.

0 points
The body is not included.

Score of Body,/ 20Criterion score has been overridden
20 points
The conclusion restates the thesis, summarizes the main points, and ends memorably.

15 points
The conclusion restates the thesis, summarizes the main points, but the ending lacks strength.

10 points
The ending is present and a full paragraph but neglects to fully tie up the main ideas.

5 points
The ending is less than a full paragraph and neglects to fully tie up the main ideas.

0 points
The conclusion is not present.

Score of Conclusion,/ 20Criterion score has been overridden
Voice and Style
20 points
Fully engages the reader, uses colorful language, strong tone, voice, point of view.

15 points
Engages the reader, uses colorful language, strong tone, voice, point of view.

10 points
Somewhat engages the reader, sometimes uses colorful language, inconsistent tone, voice, point of view.

5 points
Rarely engages the reader, rarely uses colorful language, weak tone, voice, point of view.

0 points
Wording and language are vague, general, and tone is flat or inappropriate.

Score of Voice and Style,/ 20Criterion score has been overridden
Academic Integrity
10 points
Required sources used are credible and cited and referenced in proper MLA format.

8 points
Required sources used are credible, cited and referenced, but with some errors in citation or format.

5 points
Required sources used are credible, cited and referenced, but with many errors in citation or format.

2 points
Sources are used, but are not credible.

0 points
No sources are included


Similarity score is greater than 20% / paper contains less than 80% paraphrased content.

Score of Academic Integrity,/ 10Criterion score has been overridden
Mechanics/ Conventions
10 points
Writer makes 0-2 errors in grammar or spelling that distracts the reader from the content.

8 points
Writer makes 3-4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

5 points
Writer makes 5-6 errors in grammar or spelling.

2 points
Writer makes more than 6 errors in grammar.

0 points
Readability/meaning is impaired due to errors.

Score of Mechanics/ Conventions,/ 10Criterion score has been overridden
Rubric Total Score
Score of Assignment 1 – First Submission,/ 100Criterion score has been overridden
Overall Score
Overall Score
90 points minimum
80 points minimum
70 points minimum
60 points minimum
0 points minimum
Rubric Name: Assignment 1 – Second Submission
This table lists criteria and criteria group names in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method. You can give feedback on each criterion by tabbing to the add feedback buttons in the table.
Criterion Score
20 points
The introduction contains a solid thesis statement that focuses on the points of analysis, a hook, and a preview of the main points.

15 points
The introduction is sufficient with a thesis statement, a hook, and a preview of the main points, but may need additional development, specificity, and/or avoidance of announcements.

10 points
The introduction is present but may be missing a thesis statement, a hook, a preview of the main points, or is less than a paragraph in length.

5 points
There is a sense of an opening, but elements are missing or underdeveloped.

0 points
The introduction is not included.

Score of Introduction,/ 20Criterion score has been overridden
20 points
Each body paragraph is fully developed with examples and details. Organization is logical and transitioning is smooth.

15 points
Each body paragraph is fully developed with examples and details. Organization is logical, but smooth transitioning is needed.

10 points
There are areas that need further development through details, examples, or explanation.

5 points
Much more explanation is needed and/or body sections are not fully formed.

0 points
The body is not included.

Score of Body,/ 20Criterion score has been overridden
20 points
The conclusion restates the thesis, summarizes the main points, and ends memorably.

15 points
The conclusion restates the thesis, summarizes the main points, but the ending lacks strength.

10 points
The ending is present and a full paragraph but neglects to fully tie up the main ideas.

5 points
The ending is less than a full paragraph and neglects to fully tie up the main ideas.

0 points
The conclusion is not present.

Score of Conclusion,/ 20Criterion score has been overridden
Voice and Style
20 points
Fully engages the reader, uses colorful language, strong tone, voice, point of view.

15 points
Engages the reader, uses colorful language, strong tone, voice, point of view.

10 points
Somewhat engages the reader, sometimes uses colorful language, inconsistent tone, voice, point of view.

5 points
Rarely engages the reader, rarely uses colorful language, weak tone, voice, point of view.

0 points
Wording and language are vague, general, and tone is flat or inappropriate.

Score of Voice and Style,/ 20Criterion score has been overridden
Academic Integrity
10 points
Required sources used are credible and cited and referenced in proper MLA format.

8 points
Required sources used are credible, cited and referenced, but with some errors in citation or format.

5 points
Required sources used are credible, cited and referenced, but with many errors in citation or format.

2 points
Sources are used, but are not credible.

0 points
No sources are included


Similarity score is greater than 20% / paper contains less than 80% paraphrased content.

Score of Academic Integrity,/ 10Criterion score has been overridden
Mechanics/ Conventions
10 points
Writer makes 0-2 errors in grammar or spelling that distracts the reader from the content.

8 points
Writer makes 3-4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

5 points
Writer makes 5-6 errors in grammar or spelling.

2 points
Writer makes more than 6 errors in grammar.

0 points
Readability/meaning is impaired due to errors.

Score of Mechanics/ Conventions,/ 10Criterion score has been overridden
Rubric Total Score
Score of Assignment 1 – Second Submission,/ 100Criterion score has been overridden
Overall Score
Overall Score
90 points minimum
80 points minimum
70 points minimum
60 points minimum
0 points minimum

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