For this assignment, you will create your own original PSA. A public service announcement (PSA) informs us about something important, and the purpose of a PSA is to benefit the public by raising awareness about an issue or topic.
This unit has been about love, so this assignment will involve the same. What issue are you especially passionate about and would love to see change? What issue would you be willing to devote your life to out of great depths of love?
First, choose your topic.
Second, research your topic.
Third, create your PSA slide. This slide needs comprehensive depth and detail! This slide should provide a full stand-alone message.
Fourth, compose the paragraph. This slide contains additional specific detail related to the PSA on slide 1.
Fifth, create the works cited slide for all sources used including image(s).
Your PSA should:
Include a “hook” that grabs the viewer’s attention.
Use font and color choices wisely and purposefully. For example, bold font can emphasize key points.
Be in Microsoft PowerPoint or PDF file format and not hand drawn/created. If you do not have Microsoft PowerPoint, download the free OpenOffice software here: You must save the OpenOffice file though as a PDF file format. The saving to PDF option is located in the toolbar and looks like a piece of paper with the letters PDF in red and white.
Contain 1 related image and at least 1 credible source for information.
Have no mechanical errors.
Sources credited in MLA format. Use the CRAAP Tool to evaluate source credibility.
Slide 1 of your document will contain the PSA with the image(s) and sufficient text depth and detail.
Slide 2 of your document will contain your paragraph of 7 sentences that explains the issue and why this is a topic that is important for the world to understand.
Paragraph structure:
First sentence: Topic sentence identifying the issue
Second sentence: Evidence for the issue
Third sentence: Explanation of the evidence
Fourth sentence: Identify why the PSA topic is important for the public’s awareness
Fifth sentence: Evidence for importance
Sixth sentence: Explanation of the evidence
Seventh sentence: Summary sentence
Slide 3 of your document will contain your works cited in MLA format to avoid plagiarism and copyright issues. See this resource for how to format sources.
Please click HERE to run your paper through Turnitin to check for grammar and plagiarism errors prior to submitting for a grade. Keep in mind that any work submitted to the Check Your Work folder WILL NOT be graded or even seen by your teacher. This folder is used solely as a place for you to check your drafts and get feedback before it’s graded. To access the feedback, go to Assessments, Assignments, and click on View Feedback.
How To Avoid Plagiarism.docx (15.76 KB)
Hide Rubrics
Rubric Name: Assignment 2 – First Submission
This table lists criteria and criteria group names in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method. You can give feedback on each criterion by tabbing to the add feedback buttons in the table.
20 points
15 points
10 points
5 points
0 points
Criterion Score
Design/Slide 1
The overall organization, design, use of color, font, and space help to make the flyer interesting and to communicate the message.
The message is communicated clearly, but colors may be distracting, or font is inappropriate, or space is not used well.
The message is not clearly communicated but color, font, and space are appropriate.
The message is not clearly communicated, and colors may be distracting, or font is inappropriate, or space is not used well.
Overall design or message is inappropriate or inaccurate.
Score of Design/Slide 1,/ 20Criterion score has been overridden
Graphic Choice/Slide 1
Graphic(s) relate to the topic and make it easier to understand.
The graphic(s) somewhat relate to the topic but may not be the most effective choice.
Graphic(s) relate to the topic but may be a bit distorted, fuzzy, or unbalanced.
Graphic(s) does not relate to the topic.
The graphic is missing.
Score of Graphic Choice/Slide 1,/ 20Criterion score has been overridden
Paragraph/Slide 2
The paragraph fully explains the issue and why this is a topic that is important for the world to understand.
The paragraph explains the issue and why this is a topic that is important for the world to understand but could be better supported/developed.
The paragraph superficially explains the issue and why this is a topic that is important for the world to understand.
The paragraph lacks either the issue or the world importance.
The paragraph is off topic, not a full paragraph, or missing.
Score of Paragraph/Slide 2,/ 20Criterion score has been overridden
Academic Integrity/Slide 3
Sources used are credible and cited and referenced in proper MLA format.
Sources used are credible, cited and referenced, but with some errors in citation or format.
Sources used are credible, cited and referenced, but with many errors in citation or format.
Sources are used, but are not credible or one or more sources are missing.
No sources are included
Similarity score is greater than 20% / paper contains less than 80% paraphrased content.
Score of Academic Integrity/Slide 3,/ 20Criterion score has been overridden
Mechanics/ Conventions
Writer makes 0-2 errors in grammar or spelling that distracts the reader from the content.
Writer makes 3-4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.
Writer makes 5-6 errors in grammar or spelling.
Writer makes more than 6 errors in grammar.
Readability/meaning is impaired due to errors.
Score of Mechanics/ Conventions,/ 20Criterion score has been overridden
Rubric Total Score
Score of Assignment 2 – First Submission,/ 100Criterion score has been overridden
Overall Score
Overall Score
90 points minimum
80 points minimum
70 points minimum
60 points minimum
0 points minimum
Rubric Name: Assignment 2 – Second Submission
This table lists criteria and criteria group names in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method. You can give feedback on each criterion by tabbing to the add feedback buttons in the table.
20 points
15 points
10 points
5 points
0 points
Criterion Score
Design/Slide 1
The overall organization, design, use of color, font, and space help to make the flyer interesting and to communicate the message.
The message is communicated clearly, but colors may be distracting, or font is inappropriate, or space is not used well.
The message is not clearly communicated but color, font, and space are appropriate.
The message is not clearly communicated, and colors may be distracting, or font is inappropriate, or space is not used well.
Overall design or message is inappropriate or inaccurate.
Score of Design/Slide 1,/ 20Criterion score has been overridden
Graphic Choice/Slide 1
Graphic(s) relate to the topic and make it easier to understand.
The graphic(s) somewhat relate to the topic but may not be the most effective choice.
Graphic(s) relate to the topic but may be a bit distorted, fuzzy, or unbalanced.
Graphic(s) does not relate to the topic.
The graphic is missing.
Score of Graphic Choice/Slide 1,/ 20Criterion score has been overridden
Paragraph/Slide 2
The paragraph fully explains the issue and why this is a topic that is important for the world to understand.
The paragraph explains the issue and why this is a topic that is important for the world to understand but could be better supported/developed.
The paragraph superficially explains the issue and why this is a topic that is important for the world to understand.
The paragraph lacks either the issue or the world importance.
The paragraph is off topic, not a full paragraph, or missing.
Score of Paragraph/Slide 2,/ 20Criterion score has been overridden
Academic Integrity/Slide 3
Sources used are credible and cited and referenced in proper MLA format.
Sources used are credible, cited and referenced, but with some errors in citation or format.
Sources used are credible, cited and referenced, but with many errors in citation or format.
Sources are used, but are not credible or one or more sources are missing.
No sources are included
Similarity score is greater than 20% / paper contains less than 80% paraphrased content.
Score of Academic Integrity/Slide 3,/ 20Criterion score has been overridden
Mechanics/ Conventions
Writer makes 0-2 errors in grammar or spelling that distracts the reader from the content.
Writer makes 3-4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.
Writer makes 5-6 errors in grammar or spelling.
Writer makes more than 6 errors in grammar.
Readability/meaning is impaired due to errors.
Score of Mechanics/ Conventions,/ 20Criterion score has been overridden
Rubric Total Score
Score of Assignment 2 – Second Submission,/ 100Criterion score has been overridden
Overall Score
Overall Score
90 points minimum
80 points minimum
70 points minimum
60 points minimum
0 points minimum